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Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Star Tribune's big wet sloppy kiss

Read this and vomit. I sure hope Norm bought the Star Tribune dinner first before this shameless example. A political life "marked by nimbleness"? More like a life marked by flip-flopping and saying whatever it takes to sleaze his way to the top.


At 11:48 PM, January 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I rolled my eyes at the headline too, but it's sort of a backhanded compliment to Coleman, one that reinforces his too-slick-by-half image. Will article saying "Oh that clever Coleman, artfully changing his position again with no one noticing" impress Minnesotans?

I remember in 2002, after Senator Wellstone voted against the war resolution, the Strib ran a story saying, essentially, "Wellstone's vote could cost him the election." And then his lead over Coleman grew to nine points because Minnesotans appreciated his courage.

At 9:40 AM, November 16, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

I roll my eyes at the thought that Minnesotans have voted for that worthless pig Franken over Coleman. You guys must have very low standards up there. Franken did not get enough votes, but I'm sure by the time the fraud machine is done up there, he will win by a few 100 votes! You'll see, we'll have a Marxist in the White House now, and Marxists running the house and senate. God help us all.

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You guys must have very low standards up there. Franken did not get enough votes, but I'm sure by the time the fraud machine is done up there....really good....

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Coleman grew to nine points because Minnesotans appreciated his courage.

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Coleman grew to nine points because Minnesotans appreciated his courage.

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