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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Republicans desperate in Saint Cloud

Republicans are so desperate in Saint Cloud, they have resorted to having groups do illegal push polling against Tarryl Clark to try to give the race to right-wing blowhard Dan Ochsner. Although I haven't heard the phone calls myself, I'm guessing they are along the lines of "Would it make you less likely or more likely to vote for Clark if you knew she aborted babies and made breakfast omelets out of them?" and "Would it make you less likely or more likely to vote for Clark if you knew she and her lesbian lover want to have a double "marriage" with her so-called husband and his gay lover?" Nice.


At 1:25 PM, December 23, 2005, Blogger Tony Garcia said...

Are you sure you were not one of those called? That is EXACTLY how the questions were phrased. Though you forgot the party where they asked, "Clark eats clubbed baby seal sandwiches while drinking puppy blood. Would you vote for her knowing that?"

How insipid you "facts" truly are.


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