Told you so!
A helpful comments points out that I made this prediction before the election:
"Bachmann wins and humiliates herself immediately nationally."
Yes, I would say that I nailed that one.
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A helpful comments points out that I made this prediction before the election:
You've already seen this by now, but that doesn't make it less creepy.
I don't think Pawlenty has the triangulating thing down. His budget is only impressive in the way that it manages to piss off both sides.
Governor Pawlenty gave his State of the State address today, and it was mainly focused on education. To be honest, I was not terribly impressed by the details of his plans, nor by the rhetoric.
Here's an idea for the new farm bill: how about no farm bill at all? No subsidies. No price supports. No programs. No corporate giveaways (let's expand that to all businesses).
Read this and vomit. I sure hope Norm bought the Star Tribune dinner first before this shameless example. A political life "marked by nimbleness"? More like a life marked by flip-flopping and saying whatever it takes to sleaze his way to the top.
Today in the Minnesota Senate, they voted to increase their per-diems and housing allowances by 45% and 25% respectively. I am not a fan of the per-diem increases. Salaries are too low for legislators, so raise the salaries, not the "extras".
If these are the kinds of ideas that House Republicans are going to be putting forward, they should get used to being in the minority, because they will be there for a long time.
Somebody asked why I don't do Katherine Kersten's Korner anymore. Aside from the positive benefits to my sanity that accompanies not reading that garbage, it's just a waste of time. She seems to have three major themes: today's was Those Darn Kids Today, joining Those Dang Democrats and Watch Out For Teh Gay as covering the kolumns that aren't focused on feel-good local stories. Do I really need to comment on the increasingly irrelevant musings of a curmudgeon?
I think that we should do a lot of things for veterans. Tuition help, health care, mental health support, even housing assistance is all fine with me. But exempting them from state income taxes? That's a bit much.
Nobody likes paying more in taxes. But I don't know of many people who enjoy sitting on the Crosstown mired in traffic either. Our state's highway system is in sad shape, and it's going to cost money to fix it. I think the transportation plan being put forward is a good idea.
The first day of session was rather low-key. What happens now doesn't mean much. Let's wait to see what happens when the major decisions are made.
The airport wants to crack down on taxi drivers refusing to give rides to passengers carrying alcohol or service dogs. That's fine with me. The only question I have is how the proposed punishments (30-day suspension for the first offense, two years second offense) compare to other offenses; for example, what's the punishment for refusing to carry a passgenger based on race?